"Try as one may to hide it, in time the truth will always out. Buddha knew this and told his followers so.
In 1973, the then British Prime Minister, Edward Heath took us into the Common Market and lied to the electorate that it was no more than membership of continental countries concerning uniform trade barriers and agreements. Every government since has lied to the electorate about the true aims of the European Union and today, we are unable to deport criminals and terrorists because of our membership to it and all its treaty commitments and obligations to the Human Rights Charter. Don't they realise that even if we withdrew from the Human Rights Charter, it doesn't prevent our country independently observing human rights in all of those areas it agrees with and remaining free not to observe the areas of the Charter which are blatently bonkers?
British Prime Minister,Tony Blair told the electorate that Sadam Hussain possessed weapons of mass destruction which could be employed within 45 minutes and was therefore an immediate threat to the security of this country because of his chemical, biological and nuclear capability. This was also a blatant lie that he told to Parliament in order to sanction war against Iraq.
Both Heath and Blair through their deceit left this country with a cost that is still being paid for daily by every family in Great Britain. The Liberal Leader, 'Clever Cloggs Clegg' has been no less inclined to tell lies to the electorate and to renege on their election promises, dependent upon which way the political wind blew.
Indeed, every single Prime Minister and Government in my lifetime has been shown retrospectively to have blatantly and deliberately lied to the electorate. Even the late Margaret Thatcher, for whom I had a sneaky liking, has recently been shown to have deliberately lied to the country about having had no plans to decimate the coal pits of Great Britain!
Every main political party in Great Britain has told the electorate for fifty years that the totallity of emmigration to GB adds to the British economy instead of taking more out of the pot than they put in. While during the 1950's and 60's under the rules of the Commonwealth and other trade agreements, this claim undoubtedly held some credibility and we wouldn't have had properly staffed hospitals and public transport without immigrants from the West Indies, the Philippines and India, but since Edward Heath took us into Europe, such a claim can no longer be substantiated.
Now you Tories, Socialists and Liberals know why fringe parties like UKIP are no longer remaining on the fringe of British polical opinion, because their tendency is to 'tell it as it is' whereas the three 'main' parties is to deceive. Perhaps this is the reason why too few people can even be bothered to vote for the lot of you every four years a General Election comes round?" William Forde :William Forde: February 24th, 2014