"There is no mistaking the love that sometimes exists between one creature and another. There is no mask that can hide love for long where it exists or simulate it where it doesn't. Every creature who expresses love for their fellow creature is doing God's will and is no less than divinity working in disguise.
During our brief time on earth we are wise to take every opportunity to love all we can; every person and every creature we encounter. I once recall being told that the first thing necessary to win the love of another is 'opportunity.' Often this involves no more than being there at the right moment. Small opportunities can often be the beginning of great things to come and everyone who seizes theirs has a fair turn to be as loving and as happy as they please to be.
Lose not your opportunity to love, for sometimes there is but one chance offered to get it right or else to live out life as a creature of permanent regret. It is strange how human eyes see the missed opportunity only after it has passed them by. It is as though it always looks bigger in its going than in its coming.
I remember learning to spot the challenge in every threat I faced by seeking out the opportunity in any misfortunate circumstances presented. While it takes a day for the Earth to rotate on its own axis, it only takes a moment for mankind to stand on his head and see things differently.
A week ago me and Sheila went to a small cinema across the road. A woman nearby was coughing throughout and though I moved seats far away from her, I still managed to contract a cold that persisted. My visit to the doctor's surgery his morning confirmed my immune system to be extremely low and I had to be immediately sent to the hospital for blood tests. If the white blood cell is too low, I may need to be admitted for observation as I could quickly develop fever if the anti biotics don't work. Whatever the results, I do not think that I will ever miss a good opportunity to enjoy myself as life really is too short to miss out on fun.
The Chinese warn us that in each crisis of our existence lives opportunity. When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger; the other opportunity. So the next time the opportunity to love or be happy comes your way, why not risk it; it's there for the taking. "William Forde: February 23rd, 2015.