"I cannot wait for sunshine to come back to us in Haworth. Hopefully, it will be drier this year than the year we have just experienced. Most mornings between May and September, 2013 I grew accustomed to seeing hundreds of Japanese tourists pass our house taking photographs of almost anything that moved in Bronte land. A few even stuck their heads inside the stable door to our house and photographed me eating my toast and marmalade.The Japanese love this part of the country and shall no doubt continue to descend upon this holy land of literature, strong ale and pork pies, whatever the weather.
However, the constant rain we experienced last year made many of the visitors button up and hurry by beneath their oriental umbrellas.This spring looks like it could be as wet as last year was. Even those visitors from Tibet, who are not themselves strangers to inclement weather, had to wrap up well upon alighting from the bus that brought them into Haworth recently. The Edinbourgh Woolen Mill did a roaring trade in the sale of red blankets.
The Dalai Lama has been reported to have said that he'll come when it gets drier. I guess that we won't be seeing him here this year either then!" William Forde: February 23rd, 2014.