"The power of a cherished ornament anoints the wounds of homesickness and pain and enables the aching heart to think of safer times.The pioneer men and women who crossed a wild continent clutching their treasures to them knew that a clock, a picture, a pair of candlesticks meant home to them; even in the cold wilderness of strange surroundings. But it is only when one has lost all belongings, lost their homes, their country, their identities and their families to the barbarity of mankind and have been stripped of all dignity; it is when one has only their life left to lose that the true nakedness of loss is seen. When hope to continue has left the eyes and the will to fight on a moment longer has deserted the body, then the state of loss is absolute. Let us never forget the barbarity of mankind and the ghastliness of genetic purification of the Nazis." William Forde: February 19th, 2013.