"One of the aspects of growing older is that one rarely passes by a bathroom or toilet without thinking, 'I may as well use it now that I'm here!'
Another advantage of getting on in years I've discovered is how one deals with the art of practised civility. There isn't anything as demeaning to self as having to impress in order to gain favour, just as there is nothing more liberating than occasionally 'not giving a damn!'
Discovering that you can at last tell it as it is releases all your powers of best expression without any cost to true friendship or casual relationship. You are most unlikely to lose the good friends you have made by being 'true to yourself' because it was such truth that probababley endeared them to you in the first place. And with regard to those acquaintainces who are likely to take offence where none was ever intended; well, they are as well lost anyway!"
William Forde: February 18th, 2014.