"My niece Janie recently posted that 'she refuses to grow up, but shall behave in public.' One of the better things I've discovered that comes with being older, is the recognition that you have probably gone as far as you are likely to go, so there is less imperative to watch one's 'Ps' and 'Qs' in order to impress others or sway their opinion in your direction. It isn't the kind of arrogance of 'not caring what others think' that might lead one to behave so boldly, but instead, a steadfast reassurance of self in relation to others, along with a satisfaction in one's sense of identity. Age teaches one that life is too damn short to be too damn civilised on too many occasions to too many folk who, simply don't deserve it because of the bad behavior they constantly display without any regard or thought to others. I frequently wonder what does mankind gain if I eventually depart this life at a future date and leave such folk with the erroneous impression that anyone really likes them or truly gives a damn what they actually think about this or that as they sally and sully on with their sad little lives, knocking others at every opportunity?" William Forde: December 7th, 2012.