"There...there now. Don't cry my little angel. I won't let old Hitler's bombs hurt a hair on your pretty head. Let's get you home 'cos it'll soon be tea time and mum said she's going to try and mend that broken leg of yours tonight after she's done the ironing and before she goes to bed.
Oh I wish...........I wish.........I wish that dad would come back home before Santa comes 'cos I miss him lots. The man in the sweet shop told Mrs Sharp that the war would be over by Christmas, but don't you worry my little angel. There's no need to worry 'cos I won't let daddy buy me a new doll when he comes home for Christmas. You're my little baby; the only doll I will ever want. I love you. Now, lie down and close your eyes and I'll take you home, 'cos Christmas is coming and it'll soon be here and we'll all be one happy family again." William Forde : December 22nd, 2013.