"Childhood happiness is a state that eludes some, but is capable of touching all who remain young at heart. I'm not sure that I know its secret well enough to be able to bottle it, but if I were to have a stab, I would say that anyone who has the confidence and urge to make a splash in settled waters, jump in puddles when there's a way around, wade in mud occasionally to feel unclean, find untold beauty and curiosity in the translucent wings of a butterfly and the croak of a frog or sing in the pouring rain, has already found it in abundance.
Such children are destined to inherit the creativity to become artists and authors and the curiosity to become inventors and explorers.They will grow into nature worshippers and lovers of life as they make their journeys with ample confidence to succeed, enough courage to fail and sufficient faith and belief in self and others to conquer and dispel all doubt in the future. They are destined to make a difference every day in the lives of people they touch. They are the children of God and you are their maker." William Forde: August 9th, 2015.