"The cruellest act a man can do is to awaken and stir a woman's heart with no intention of ever loving her. It is less hurtful to tear apart the wings of a butterfly than to make a woman's heart a plaything of the past.
The kindest thing of the most gentle soul is to always to give more than is asked for, especially when the initial request is modestly made. The most miserly act is to keep one's love buried deep and locked out from the rest of the world.
Count not your money and good wealth in secret pleasure, for if left unshared it will eventually become less bountiful than a stinking fish in the heat of day.
Far better to seek out the company of happy people who still believe in magic than magicians and manipulaters whose prime purose is to deceive and disquise. And far better still to seek out magic people who believe in being happy, for they are the keepers of eternal contentment.
The material 'go getter' of the world is the best traveller of all round journeys that lead to nowhere, for they wrongly believe that once things in their life start to fall into place, then they will find peace. If they but knew that their topsy turvy world invariable presents them with truth inside out; if only they knew that once they find peace, only then shall things fall into place, then they might be content to be a much lighter traveller and thereby see more places and have more things as a result of greater access to imagination." William Forde: August 3rd, 2014.