"Motivation is the movement of the soul when the spirit is weak. People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents. The future belongs to those who dare to do; to those who are prepared to get their hands dirty, to those who are prepared to stray from their usual path and to move outside their comfort zone.
Motivation is an essential aspect of creativity. It embraces the hope to remain a postive painter of all images along with the art of not being afraid to fail because life becomes temporarily uncharted. Life starts at the edge of your comfort zone. Allow the bridges you burn to light up your way to a brighter future and to bring you home to a new dawn.
Motivation enhances the hope and art of all life. Remember that without hope and art, the earth would become less smooth in its rotation of perpertual motion and appear nothing more than the accumulation of unachieved things and heaps of disappointment in a mound of failure." William Forde: August 18th, 2014.