"When Great Britain was first led by its nose into the Common Market by Ted Heath on January 1st, 1973, he said, 'It is going to be a gradual development and obviously things are not going to happen overnight.'
Well, that is about the only true statement he ever uttered. Let me tell you as we are now forty one years down the road, it didn't happen overnight and it never will happen! Ted Heath lied to the electorate along with every other Prime Minister who has been elected to Office since 1973.
Only one person outside Nigel Farage ever understood the British people and that was a French man named Charles de Gaulle. The French president vetoed all membership applications by the UK to join the EEC between 1963 and 1973. His stated reason was that 'he doubted the UK's political will.' If Charles de Gaulle knew that the British people didn't really want to join the EEC as far back as forty one years ago, then why oh why can't David Cameron or any other politician 'get it' today?
For the past forty one years, the British electorate has been lied to by its political leaders; all of whom have walked us cheerfully to market, knowing full well that once we got there, they'd be no coming home again as we'd end up in the European knacker's yard!" William Forde: August 17th, 2014.