"You may or may not be pleased to be reminded that today is 'The Glorious Twelfth;' that day of the year when you may shoot for the Red Grouse.
I don't know about you, but I reckon that lots of common folk couldn't care less. I refer to folk, who through no fault of their own, find themselves without security of tenure and where the prospect of ever owning a house, however humble it may be, is nowt but a pipe dream. There are so many people out there today living on the 'bread line' with insufficient of the basic necessities; people dependent upon the charity of food banks to feed their loved ones, people who are unable to afford adequate heating of their home in cold spells or have gainful work with which to occupy themselves and regain their self respect as independent providers. They haven't had anything to feel 'glorious' about for a long time now.
David Cameron may like to proclaim that, 'We are all in this together'. Tell that to the bird killers of the moors and the glens who walk, snort and shoot as their path continues to be beaten for them by their low-paid servants; many of whom still occupy tied-cottages and display the shadows of servitude around their ankles, as did the slaves of old in the cotton plantations of Jamaica and The West Indies and the servants and skullery maids of the English manor who remained in 'Service' from youth to old age. " William Forde: August 12th, 2013.