"You must take responsibility for your own life if you want contentment and satisfaction to be a constant part of it. You can't keep blaming someone else for your disappointments. Life is really about seizing the moment and moving on, not looking back in permanent regret. Do not let the past steal your present or rob you of your most precious dreams. No one has ever been known to get a life looking backwards instead of forward, where one's future lies. Let the past bury its own dead; you've got your future to look forward to!
If you want to love life for all its worth, you must first learn to value it. Look always in the direction where 'positivism' is to be found and negative thought is forbidden to dwell. This requires one being constantly channelled within an energy force that is determined to do good. Everything around us is made up of energy and therefore, to attract all things positive in our lives, starts with oneself giving off positive energy.
Positive people believe in self as well as others. I have always done things that others tell me I cannot do. That is how I get them done. I will not be defined by what others think of me or by 'what I did,' as opposed to 'what I do.' I refuse to be prodded, pressurised and pushed by problems when being led by my dreams makes me a more content individual. In the final analysis, there are only two ways to live one's life. One way is to believe that nothing is a miracle and the other is to believe that everything is! Looking around at the birth of a child and all the mystery of nature and its four seasons, I much prefer to believe the latter.
So look forward to tomorrow by being purposeful in all you do today. One of the biggest mistakes in life is to travel through it without purpose or self-belief. If we are wise, we will always have a goal to pursue. The trouble with not having a goal to direct oneself is akin to spending one's life running up and down the football field and never scoring! Like an old Indian once could have said, 'When you look away from self and towards heaven, you are able to capture the beauty in another's smile and feel the warmth of a grateful heart.'(William Forde Quote: April 6th, 2017)." April 6th, 2017.