"There is a path to finding love and redemption that is accessible to all travellers. It essentially involves first 'finding the love of your mother.' Next, your mother's love will help you to 'find self.' Only when you have found 'self,' shall you find the greatest love of all and be able to freely express it. It is only after you have found 'self' and the love within you, shall you truly find 'Nature' and 'God' and be as one with the whole world.
The 'Book of Genesis' describes the creation of all things. It tells us that in the beginning, the Lord God made the heavens and the earth. He gave us the sun for warmth and the moon for light. He filled the earth with seas, land, mountains and sky. He placed all manner of creatures on the land, birds in the air and fish in the sea. Then He placed plant life and vegetation on the earth in abundance.
Finally, He created his most precious thing of all; YOU! You are the living embodiment of God's love and it is through your love, as expressed to one another, that we all find the path to perfect peace.
The Lord God made the earth and after placing it on an axis of love, He set it spinning in perfect motion. It is only through the love of mankind however, as expressed to one another, that the wheel of life keeps turning. Love truly makes the world go round!
When I was young, one of the first things that my mother told me was, 'Billy', love makes the world go round.' In this simple statement, she was revealing to me the essense of 'The Book Of Genesis'. All of her life, Mum certainly made her love go round to her family, neighbiours and everyone she ever met. Sadly she died at the age of 64, twenty nine years ago today. I love you Mum and miss you always. We are offering a Mass in your name this morning at church. Your eldest boy, Billy xxx." : William Forde: April 26th, 2015.