"When we lock indifference inside our hearts, we lock out the goodness in our lives.
There once was a wise man whose job was to educate his rich master's son. The boy had been born into a world of plenty where his family's wealth, title and power bought them privileges beyond one's wildest dreams.
His upbringing and conditioning had in effect hardened his heart to many of the world's injustices and he began to slowly despise himself for the type of person he was fast becoming.
As the boy gradually grew older, he developed a conscience and found it harder to continue in the absolute belief he'd once held about the merits of wealth, title, power and privilege being able to purchase peace, happiness and contentment at the expense of others' poverty and hardship.
'What is wrong with me?' he asked his tutor. 'Why do I feel so unhappy and discontent with my lot in life when I have riches at my disposal that thousands would die for?'
'Perhaps that's the problem, young master,' the wise man replied, adding, 'From what I've been led to understand, thousands have given their lives to advance the wealth which your family enjoy today!'
Seeing that his pupil did not understand the weight of his words, he went to a cupboard and took from within a pair of scales.Then he arranged for the cook to send up from the kitchen, the heart of an ox. The wise man placed the ox's heart on one side of the scales and asked his pupil to gather up all the rings, diamonds, jewellery and gold coin he possessed and place them on the other side of the scales. When that was done, the great wealth amassed on one side of the scales made the scales very much one sided.
'That is why you are unhappy today, young master,' the wise man replied. 'Your heart has remained locked up all those years and has been kept away from the lives and experiences of those less fortunate than yourself. It has been replaced by wealth and privilege; which however much you possess, can never weigh as much on the scales of justice and happiness as that of a kind heart inside a good person.'
'But....but how can I become happy and content? Do I have to dispose of all the wealth I possess?' the boy asked.
'No' said the wise man, adding,' Merely place it to one side and never allow it more regard or to weigh more heavily in your consideration than the pain, suffering and hardships of others. Never allow wealth to outweigh the feelings, consideration, respect and love you give out to all others. Do this and you will unlock your heart and throw out all indifference, and allow goodness to enter in its place and remain therein forevermore.Only then shall you truly know the wealth you seek!'" William Forde: April 25th, 2014.