" Often when we look out into the future and wonder what it will hold for us, we are left with a bag of emotional uncertainties that are nigh on impossible for the young mind and body to make sense of and reconcile.
On one side, the thought of exploration of far off lands beyond the street where we were born excites us and stirs our imagination into great expectations of things to come. On the other side of the futuristic coin, the fear that we may never travel beyond the end of our street torments our minds and sours our level of expectation. Deep down, we possess that horrid dread that our life explorations will be confined to the streets and town where we were born; a living purgatory in which we shall find our lot in life:our lifelong friends, school, job and future wife. Such dread of being able to spit from cradle to the grave alarms our senses and roots us firmly in the soil of cultural clay and social stagnation; making all movement upwards or progressively forwards no more than a dream.
Let us hope that the world treats us well, brother, when we are grown up; for it has always been the aspiration of parents since the Dark Ages that their children will be born into a better station in life than they and their forefathers enjoyed.
How sad it would be, were our adult condition to be one without prospect of free health care, free education, a house to live in, a job at which to earn one's living and retain one's self-respect and the preservation of the welfare of the old-aged-citizen. How horrible it would be to be governed on English soil by bureaucrats from Brussels and laws from Europe. How ghastly it would be to attend a church that preached politics instead of God; to have a government of the politician for the politician and an amalgamation of bigger banks for the bankers themselves. I pray the day shall never come when we live in a land that legislates one law for the rich and another one less favourable for the poor and where we find oneself on the wrong side of a wide social divide between the 'haves' and 'have nots' and are denied the freedom of speech or that of religious practice. Such a Mad Hatter's world would be a horrible reliving of all that was bad in the Dark Ages, brother. I hope we never see that in our lifetime! Surely not?" William Forde: April 23rd, 2013.