"Some people behave like drama queens. They first overreact to something they don't like and after making a great fuss and palava, they resume their more normal 'on edge' disposition, at the ready to flare up again at the next small spark of disagreement.
In short, they like to make storms in a teacup and then complain about getting mad. They are their own worst enemies and yet, this type of behaviour isn't confined to nasty people alone. I know many a good person who cannot seem to exist unless they are at the centre of a perpetual crisis; usually one of their own making or design. There will always be a problem in their life or on the horizon because the maelstrom of their mind will always look for one!
I recall hearing of a couple of long-term elderly residents in an Old Folk's Home. Neither of the two had spoken to one another for many years, yet they daily entered into battle; talking about each other disparagingly to other residents and overall pulling the other person down. Despite this lengthy silence of over a decade's duration, neither could remember what had been the cause of their original fall out. Their daily disagreeable discourse continued to be carried out for a full fourteen years and only stopped when one of the two male residents died in their sleep, aged ninety two.
I was told that while no apparent remorse was expressed by the surviving pratagonist, he nevertheless entered into a permanent state of bereavement after the funeral until he also died some three weeks later. It was thought that the death of one had taken away the life purpose of the other.
Life is too short and is far too sweet to waste in quarrelsome mood and cantankerous mind. Have a good day out there." William Forde: April 22nd, 2014.