" Dear God, thank you for all the blessings that you sent our way today. Thank you for giving me a smashing mum and dad who always kiss and cuddle after they have had cross words and think too much of the plates we eat off ever to break them in anger. Thank you for telling my dad and mum that I will soon have another baby brother who will be called Paul. Thank you for letting Granddad go to heaven when he was in hospital, so that he can now be with grandma again. And thank you for the jam tart pudding we had for tea. Love Paul Robin; aged 6 years, two months, one week and a day. Amen!"
PS: "Oh, and Bernard says thank you God for letting us find him in the Rescue Centre and bringing him home to live here with us and he says thank you also for his chunky meat supper, Ame..........Oh, and our cat Molly says sorry she can't say her prayers with me and Bernard tonight, but she ate too much and feels sick and dare not open her mouth! AMEN!" William Forde: April 18th, 2013.