I was recently going through some old posts of mine and came across one I did following the sad passing of Denise Gibson's faithful dog, Balou, some three years ago. When I initially heard of Balou's passing and saw his picture walking the moors, it reminded me of a number of ageing creatures who are slowly approaching their end and the immense pleasure they derive from the experience of 'just one more day' enjoying God's country of Haworth.
My friend Denise Gibson kindly gave me initial permission to offer this humble tribute to Balou who was much loved and is sadly missed and it greatly pleases me to remember Balou's anniversary around this time of year.
Often when we walk alone, we do not have to be alone. Sometimes when we walk alone, we choose to be alone. We all walk alone when the path way isn’t wide enough to take another. Yet to occupy space alone where two could easily walk side-by-side is wasteful in the extreme.
Throughout our lives each of us will come into contact with wonderful people and beautiful creatures. If we are wise, we will chose to walk alongside them in their exploits and adventures. If we are fortunate they will elect to walk with us, stay with us as long as possible, laugh with us and show us how to wag our tails in all weathers.
Our love for each other will remain forever constant as long as one chooses not to be the lord and master over the other and both are afforded a respect that is just and proportionate. And when the time comes to part and walking side-by-side no longer occurs, tread carefully as you retrace old walks, as feelings of the heart are often too fragile to easily settle until the ground has hardened and is softened once more with the season’s turning.
Farewell old friend. Farewell Balou." William Forde: April 17th, 2017.