"Given the perilous state of the global economy, one would be forgiven for believing that we are once more living in Titanic times when we are all in the boat together and that we are doomed to either sink or swim. Even when space is at a premium, providing we are willing to share out lot in life, we can always find room for just one more.
This thought takes one back one century to that fatal last day of the sinking Titanic on April 15th, 1912 when 1,517 passengers drowned in the ice cold waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, due largely to the shortage of life boats. From the 706 survivors, the very last to die was 97 year old Millvina Dean in May, 2006. Millvina was placed in a sack at the age of a mere nine weeks before being passed down to a overcrowded life boat along with her mother and brother. Her father was one of those passengers for whom there was insufficient room and who sadly went down with the ship.
Getting back to today's sinking of the economy; I'd like to believe that we are all in the ship together, but as happened one hundred years ago, I'm willing to bet there will only be life boats for the few and most privileged and that most of the passengers in third steerage will be abandoned to a watery grave by all Governments of the day, whatever their make up!
There is only one certainty that can be drawn from our current economic crisis and that is this: the captain will not be going down with his ship as he once did. In our modern world of global finance, private captains of industry 'gone bust' through their incompetence and greed, along with the political captains of the country's debts are destined to cruise on calmer seas while they watch the rest of us poor sods drowned beneath the waves of political promises and banker's corruption!" William Forde: April 16th, 2015.