"If you want your day to go as well as it can, it helps if you can get a running start. As soon as you open your eyes on a morning in bed, smile, get yourself up, look out of the window and whatever the weather, declare, 'Today is a good day!' Convince yourself that today is a day for enjoying all those things in life that we so often take for granted when our passage is smooth and our life unhindered.
Things like being able to eat modestly and to taste the food we digest, being able to sleep undisturbed, being able to walk without pain in the legs imploring one to stop and rest; even being able to rise from a chair unassisted and being able to touch one's toes! Why, seventy years ago, at the age of 4 years, I could even tie my own shoelaces, but not today as my legs are permanently stiff and my knees no longer bend!
We so easily forget amid the business of our daily lives just how far out of reach some everyday tasks can be; simple tasks that the able-bodied often tend to take for granted.
Add to these physical handicaps an absence of social ones that bestow provision, meaning and dignity to one's life and we soon see the disparity that exists between the quality and experience of one person's life and that of another. Mix with a dollop of depression and a holed bucket that once held hope, add six spoons of loneliness and a bowl of social isolation and it becomes understandable to feel 'hard done to.'
The acquirement of proper housing, gainful occupation, adequate material provision and good health is beyond the realm of so many people in society today, that to have all of these aspects in one's life is a blessing not to be ignored by those who are fortunate to enjoy them. I thank God that all my handicaps are physical ones and feel deep sadness for so many others who are truly afflicted.
A good start to every day is to look in the bathroom mirror and to say, 'Today is a good day to be alive'. A perfect introduction to every person you meet on your daily travels is, 'Good morning' and the best gift you can give them to a good start for the day is a warm smile and a handshake that greets and sends them on their way happier than when they met you. The very best reply you can give to any person who approaches you for assistance is, 'Hello there; how can I help you?' which is so much more inviting than, "What do you want?"
The enjoyment of life is made so much easier once these simple things and social courtesies become observed and are adopted as essential ingredients of daily living and your response pattern." William Forde: September 28th, 2017.