"The train of life rarely remains on track forever without needing some sort of overhaul or repair. Like the human body, run it too long and too hard and it will show signs of wear until breakdown is in the offing.
Often I look at the crazy and frenetic lives that people lead without giving their mind time to think and take stock and their body pause for breath and the right to stop.
When stopping one's frenetic activity is viewed as a 'privilege' as opposed to that of a 'neccessity', it very much resembles the mind and body being on a collision course; a crash in the making, just waiting to happen.
Not sleeping properly, losing one's patience easily and forever feeling under pressure are sufficient body signs for you to put on the breaks, because if you don't exercise this control, the body will decide for you and force you to stop by allowing the impending collision to occur and thereby obliging you to change track!
I enclose my relaxation tape from my website that works on the principle of 'auto suggestion' and where my speech is paced to the natural heart rate of 'going off to sleep.' The tape should never be played while driving or performing any other precision task. It has never been sold and was produced as a gift to society by me during the 80s following a previous life- threatening period. Since it was first made, between 5,000 and 10,000 copies have been freely given to stressful people and persons with poor sleeping practices. Pregnant women, persons with any kind of brain abnormality or people with very low blood pressure levels Should Not Use This Tape. If you find it helpful, please pass on access details to others who might benefit. http://www.fordefables.co.uk/relax-with-bill.html " William Forde: October 17th, 2014.