"Having spent the past few months being inundated with politicians promising 'this' and 'that' if the electorate votes them into government and threatening 'this' and 'that' were the other side to win, what a relief it is that all the electioneering is over until the next General Election in five year's time.
In spite of the austerity measures we have had to endure over the past five years, I'm afraid that as a country, we have still not broken free from the economic straight jacket we found ourselves in at the time of the last General Election. While much progress has been made to reduce the country's deficit, our National Debt has doubled during the past five years and as far as financial pain is concerned, I'm afraid that 'we aint seen nothing yet!'
While Defence, the National Health Service, Education, Welfare, Transport, Crime, Housing and Emigration etc are all aspects worthy of the country's continuous attention, the most important thing as a Nation we should concern ourselves with is the wholesome development of our future. I refer of course to our children's welfare and overall health and happiness.
How many parents would think of buying their young child a plant or a pet as a present? And yet, children introduced to both plant and pet at an early stage in their lives are known to learn best about the nutrients of all life and the bond of friendship and loyalty that can be formed between two creatures who start off life as strangers.
I'm not saying that the child ought to be deprived of its lego and other toys of interest, but I am saying that the true building blocks of life are more readily found in things that live and breathe and that the corner stone to happiness and contentment rests in the nature and nourishment of our thoughts, feelings and actions of our hearts and soul.
It's ironic, but the future of our country is probably best served by introducing our children to the beauty, joy and educational value of plants and pets at their earliest opportunity!" William Forde: May 8th, 2015.