Thought for today:
"If it was curiosity that killed the cat, I am sure that it was the one certain thing that coached the child in their learning of life. The future belongs to the curious. They are ones who are not afraid to try it, explore it, poke at it, question it and turn it upside down and inside out.
Every child born was designed to ask questions in order to satisfy their curiosity and add to their learning and well being. It is curiosity that sharpens the sense of the world's reality. It represents the art of the possible, a call from knowledge that beckons the unknown child to walk the road of learning.
Curiosity is a sharpened sense of reality. It represents the art of the possible. Children who exercise their curiosity will not know boredom. Only the curious are rewarded with things to do and answers to find. Their curiosity lies in wait for every secret and is the parent of their attention, just as the absence of child curiosity is no less than a confession of their ignorance. Far better to kill a child at birth than stifle their curiosity and suffocate their imagination.
Every age of man has been provided with a keyhole at which to look through; a sight to satisfy our wanting to know. Even as an adult male, this curiosity never leaves us, but is instead directed to loftier and more adult things of the mind, particularly in hot blooded men when their eyes come to rest on a beautiful woman in a free flowing dress and wearing a smile that requires no explanation to understand its meaning. Nothing whets the appetite more than a passionate suspicion of what lies undiscovered." William Forde: May 21st, 2016.