"A kiss is just a kiss, but a lifetime's commitment will see one of us in our grave before the contract can be considered terminated, Puss. When we first met, I agreed that we should go shopping together, but I never signed up to a full marriage contract whereby you made all the laws and I was simply expected to go along with it and fly your flag. Well, I've just about had enough Buster and I want out of this union. I'll still be friends with you, but that's as close as it will get again. I've given you fifty years of my life and that's more than enough!
Seventy years ago, Germany signed the document that ended the war in Europe. On this anniversary of VE-Day in Europe, it is fitting that Great Bitain goes to vote to elect a new Parliament, particularly as it is now fifty years since our country first joined the European Union which was envisaged to be a trade agreement between a small number of countries who shared common interests. Since I first voted for European membership of a 'Common Market', I have never had any say in all the changes that have taken place, to which I strongly object. Indeed, every government elected since, has lied to their electorate about the changing objectives of the European Assembly and has reneged on giving the British electorate a vote to either stay in or come out.
At the end of the war in Europe seventy years ago, we celebrated the fact that our brave soldiers had not died in vain and that their deaths had stopped Hitler in his tracks and had given us back our borders. Since VE-Day however, we have given away control of our borders for which thousands of soldiers gave their lives and have watered down the British identity that we were once so proud of, to a bunch of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.
When you vote today, think upon the significance of your cross alongside the crosses of those courageous soldiers who fought and died for the freedom of this country so long ago and whom we salute today." William Forde: May 7th, 2015.