"Worrying is like a rocking chair insomuch as it gives us something to do, but doesn't get us anywhere. Why must we complicate our lives when all that is required to prevent one worrying unnecessarily all day long is to keep it simple. Here are a few helpful tips I have found extremely valuable over the years in keeping our many problems fewer:
When missing someone, call.
When wanting to go out with someone, invite.
When wanting to be understood, explain.
If you have a question that puzzles you, ask.
If you don't like something someone is saying or doing, say so and ask them to stop.
If you do like something they are saying or doing, let them know.
If you love someone, tell them and show them.
If you feel a strong emotion, appropriately express it.
I have learned over the years that the precise words we speak commands the attachment of an appropriate level of body energy to accompany them and will either make it more or less likely for a speficic action to happen. This energy level blends our intentions to our instructions to our actions.
Saying 'I might' could produce a possible outcome or might not as the energy/determination level is low.
Saying 'I will' is more likely to produce a probable outcome as the energy/determination level is higher.
Saying 'I shall' will produce the outcome you desire as the energy/determination level is as high as can be.
Think upon these simple rules the next time you decide to give up smoking, drinking or overeating etc etc. It really does matter whether you say, 'I might, I will or I shall.'
Keep things easy and life goes much smoother. It also helps if you don't have eight young ones to look out for all day." William Forde: March 14th, 2015.