"Whether one reads one thousand books or travels through one hundred lands and talks with countless people and experiences numerous precious moments, the task we are embarked upon remains the same throughout; we are each looking for self and the best way to walk through this life.
We are each trying to find the right path to walk down; the path that will take us to the place our hearts and minds want to go. My advice is that if what you are doing makes you happy and keeps you in love with life and your neighbour, then keep doing it, in the certain truth that you have already found your path of happiness to follow. Should however, you find yourself down the wrong path, trust in the certainty that if you don't change direction, you will most certainly end up where you're heading and in a place you do not want to be.
While it may be the journey and not the arrival which matters most in one's travels, have no doubt, it is the path that changes you! One of the sayings of Buddha sums it up in the words: 'No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.'
Many times in my life I have experienced happiness and sadness, pain and pleasure, peace and feelings of madness, profound relaxation and high tension, explosive anger and gentle love. I have done both right and wrong to my fellow man and have been no stranger to shame. Often I have been asked, if I could go back, what would I change? My answer remains the same as it has always been; nothing!
The reason is simple. It is not that I have lived a perfect life; far from it, but that the life I have lived has shaped me and made me the man I am today; someone I am content and at peace with. I now know that it was the journey of my life that has led me to where I am and that if there were many occasions when I got sidetracked and temporarily lost my way, I never lost sight of my destination and eventually found my bearings once more.
So if we believe we are walking the right path, all we have to do in life is to keep walking it and we will eventually get there. Never think that death is the last path we shall walk, for as sure as meadows spring up each season and over time mountains rise up from beneath the seas, so shall our spirit return to the delights of God's woodland where we can walk the straight path." William Forde: July 7th, 2017.