"There was once two sisters who went everywhere together, did everything in unison and even spoke the same words at the same time and completed each other's sentences as though the words had been born within the same breath. They lived in the same house, shared the same room, slept in the same bed and wore the same clothes. Many who knew them believed that the sisters were so close that they thought the same thoughts and experienced the same moment. Being too old, now almost one hundred and three years of age, they no longer had a mother alive to turn to, but they had all they wanted out of life; they had each other!
On the day they died (which of course was within the same hour and day), when each of their personal belongings were gone through, an unopened envelope was found inside each of their correspondence boxes. Inside each envelope was a letter written by each of the women to her twin sister over ninety years earlier. Each letter had the name of the other sister on the envelope, along with the written instructions, 'Not to be opened until after my death.'
The most curious thing however was the nature of each letter's contents and it made the finder wonder if the sisters had actually lived one life or two and whose memories belong to whom?
As to the contents of each letter............. well that's a story for another day as I only thought of this opening to an unwritten book theme fifteen minutes ago as I ate my fried egg for breakfast and saw this wonderful picture of two old ladies pasted on Facebook and wanted some words to accompany the image and stir your imagination out of sheer devilment.
Come to think of it, real life isn't too different to that of fiction found in the writings of any author's page. None of us really knows from getting out of bed on a morning where our broken bodies, curious minds, wild imaginings and wandering feet will take us before we go back to sleep at night time or indeed, down which path our dreams and nightmares may take us until we wake again. In fact, can we truly say that we are awake now to the possibilities of our life or are not these thoughts we are currently experiencing but part of an eternal dream from which we may never be aroused; that is until we wake up and smell the coffee and start thinking upon eating another fried egg?" William Forde: January 15th, 2016.