Thought for today:
"When I woke up this morning, I thought about Molly Perkins, the school bully who likes to pull my hair hard in assembly and won't let go until I cry out. She sometimes frightens me. But today I'm going to stand up to her. Mum says everyone gets frightened about something some time and if I'm not scared when I stand up for something, then I'm not standing up for very much. I'm going to bring you to school with me today, Scamp.
As long as I have my dog beside me, nobody will boss me about! If I keep giving you extra dog biscuits Scamp, will you make sure that nasty Molly Perkins at school never pushes me to the ground again or pulls my hair in assembly? I keep telling her that if I bring my dog to school I'll teach her a lesson, but she said, 'Your stupid little dog doesn't frighten me!' I bet if she saw you she'd run a mile and if she heard your loud bark, she'd wee her knickers. She's not going to push me over and pull my hair again. No, she isn't! Today is a good day for standing up to the world." William Forde: August 5th, 2017.