"I've never considered life on earth to represent anything more than being 'a work in progress.' Whatever we manage to do and achieve in this life is but one small fraction of what we are capable of being. We are much more than mere skeleton, skin and bone that is electro-chemically wired to a brain that instructs the muscles how to respond in given situations and under certain conditions. We have souls; that part of each of us which cannot be x-rayed or located inside the body and yet, which undoubtedly resides in all men and women with a conscience and a destiny. The soul, like the body lives upon what it feeds. Starve it of goodness and it will not serve you well, but feed it with an abundance of generosity and good will and you will never be lost to love or far from home.
We each strive to become a complete individual and if possible, to attain a wholesomeness that keeps us who we are and true to self. We give thought to the requirements of others, knowing our reflection on their needs to be a flower of the mind giving out wholesome fragrance to barren ground in want of tender nourishment. We make our wholesomeness not a matter of intensity, but more a part of perfect peace in a world that is filled with too many broken promises and too few words of gentleness and love that are left unsaid.
My daily prayer is: From head to toe, help me make my wholesomeness an indelible part of me and forever house balance, order, rhythm and harmony in my world." William Forde: August 24th, 2015.