"Until we are brave enough to turn the corner without knowing what is around it, we are destined to do little more with our lives than be content watching others live theirs.
As Socrates discovered, the trouble with any body of knowledge is that it is never complete. Too many people claim to know what they don't know. Their feel can't feel your feel, their pain can't match your pain or their experience mirror in true relection what you experienced. At best, they can listen and hear what you say, be there and do as you ask, and throughout it all, try to understand.
What waits for each of us around the same corner will always be a different experience. Our happiness and grief in similar situations of gain and loss will manifest itself differently. Though our situations may look alike, our experience will differ and its touch and effect may vary enormously. It is sad but true, that the death of your husband, wife, father, mother, son or daughter can never feel precisely like the death of mine to me, nor yours to you. At best, our feelings of loss can approximate each other's state of enforced change and produce a tenuous understanding through our willingness to share. We are all made differently and cannot therefore rule in equal measure. Though others may possess the power to stir our imagination, only we can dream our dreams and live our lives!" William Forde: August 14th, 2015.