"Irony dictates that love and compassion is often first found in the eyes of the lost and that the most enduring of all love lives on both sides of the grave.
When I consider the poverty that still exists around the world, I often feel ashamed of the daily luxuries I enjoy and take for granted like shelter, warmth, clean water and a full stomach. I don't know how you feel when extreme poverty in the life of others smacks you in the face, but it hits my conscience hard with a stark-reality stick that possesses the power to sicken me to the stomach.
What disgusts me the most is the blatant hypocrisy of the western world and the European and American trade barriers which are purposely erected against the goods sold by the poorer countries of the world. These countries want Fair Trade and not Foreign Aid! As for the Foreign Aid this country gives, this policy is no more than a vanity project of David Cameron who distributes it to countries who either don't need it or want it (India in particular), and also to support corrupt practices and highly questionable regimes. All this largess abroad when millions live hungry, homeless, jobless and are unable to secure the cancer drugs they need to keep them alive in this country! Don't get me wrong, I don't want Foreign Aid to stop. I just want it to be less abroad, better directed to the genuine poor/cause and an enabling source for good instead of a providing a platform for David Cameron to strut the European stage like a 'do gooder' while he remains a knowing party to blocking Free Trade to poor countries of the world.
In today's 'The Telegraph,' the political correspondent, Ben-Riley-Smith reports that: 'British taxpayers' money is funding corruption in foreign countries, an official investigation has found for the first time. Money invested by the UK Government abroad was found to be actively encouraging corrupt practices by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact. One development project in Nepal encouraged people to forge documents to gain grants while police stations in Nigeria linked to British aid were increasingly demanding bribes, the report discovered.The damning findings will fuel criticism from Conservative MPs of David Cameron's decision to commit 0.7 per cent of the UK's gross national income to foreign aid spending – more than £12 billion pounds a year. It is understood to be the first time an independent body has found evidence that the Department for International Development (Dfid) may have broken its "do no harm" policy – a central pledge in the Government's aid programme.'
So reign in the Foreign Aid and unleash Free Trade far and wide and the west will do far more good than their charity could ever buy.Trade as opposed to unwanted aid granted to them would go much farther with the poorest and attract greater purpose and dignity to their lives. To give Begrudged Aid when they prefer Fair Trade is like saying, 'I'll buy you a birthday present, but don't ever expect to be invited to my party!'
I'm afraid that rich politicians will never grasp the poverty their policies inflict upon the lives of the countless poor. I believe that to live in poverty is to live with constant uncertainty and to accept galling indignities that follow. Only those who struggle with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor. Those on minimum wage in Britain pay more interests on their loans and depend largely on eating cheaper and less healthy food. And it is senseless to blame the poor. When we see others as a large part of the problem without seeing ourselves as being a big part of the solution, we only make matters worse and shove our problem under the carpet.
While I am frequently moved to compassion, what I find hardest to live with, is to look into the eyes of the world's poorest and most hungry who hope for a better tomorrow and see that neither future nor heaven dwells there!" William Forde: April 5th, 2016.