"For some, beauty can be a short-lived tyranny, but true beauty has no masquerade. We should never allow insecurity to dull the beauty we were born with. Instead we should let beauty be our power and our smile its sword, for every bit of happiness is worth fighting for. There is no need to take photographs of me any more, for I now possess the kind of beauty that doesn't move unless I move, and do you know, I become more beautiful the more others tell me I am!
Many like to compete in the beauty stakes, but not I. What is the point of competing with the flower next to you to be the best in show; just bloom I say, for beauty begins when you choose to be yourself and starts to wither when you place too much store on man's appeal. Those who choose to live off man's compliments will die upon the altar of man's criticism.
As I grow older and my outer looks start to fade, I shall allow my beauty to steal inwards. I shall still remain beautiful because I shall give myself the power to say that I am beautiful. If I can do that, then surely there is hope for all of you that the great divide between the beautiful and the ugly will no longer exist once we all choose to be beautiful.
So keep your head held high; look upward not low, for it is in the darkest of the dark that we best see the most brilliant of stars." William Forde: April 3rd, 2016.